The plan area has high recreation values due to its landforms, climatic diversity, relatively undeveloped state, and proximity to the lower mainland.

Major summertime activities include rafting, fishing, hiking, horseback riding, mountain biking and off-road touring. Ski touring and snowmobiling are popular winter activities.

Tourism (commercial recreation) offers a wide variety of services and has potential for diversification and development.


  • Lack of inventories and opportunity studies on recreation and tourism features (e.g., lakes, trails) can limit their recognition and management.
  • Industrial development and road construction can change the recreation and tourism opportunities available.
  • Competition between public and commercial uses of the same areas can lead to degradation and a loss of economic and social benefits.
  • Decreased health and sustainability of fish and wildlife populations can reduce the viability of recreation resources and tourism businesses.
  • Recreation and tourism activities can have adverse impacts on fish, wildlife, and terrain (especially in popular areas). The social and physical carrying capacities of recreational sites and areas become a concern as the numbers of users and types of use increase.


  • A wide range of high quality, well-managed recreation/tourism experiences available for residents and visitors.
  • Secure commercial tenures.
  • Minimal conflicts with other resource based interests.
  • Recreation and tourism development that considers carrying capacities, local interests and job creation.
  • Foster and support a high quality, well managed and ecologically sustainable recreation and tourism sector.
ObjectivesManagement Direction/StrategiesMeasures of Success/TargetsIntent
1. Manage recreation and tourism use within physical and social carrying capacities1.1 Consult with First Nations during recreation-related inventories to improve information on traditional use and avoid potential conflicts with new activities
1.2 Increase the physical capacity of the site/area by expanding or hardening facilities in a way that prevents site degradation but conserves a natural appearance
1.3 Replicate the experience by developing another comparable site/area
1.4 Ration use by permit only when necessary to meet management plan and recreational quality or ecological integrity objectives
2. Balance tourism and recreation interests with other resource users2.1 Encourage the agencies involved in tenure administration, or appropriate statutory decision makers, in cooperation with the resource based tourism industry and recreational interests, to consider setting physical and social carrying capacities (and limits to acceptable change) on a priority basis in areas where user density issues are identifiedThis should respect First Nations values on the landscape and be coordinated through the development of a Recreation Management Strategy
2.2 Encourage partnerships between government, First Nations and other sectors, including the tourism industry that will facilitate the resolution of potential resource user conflicts
2.3 Encourage tourism operators to work with First Nations and other groups to avoid potential accessrelated conflicts
2.4 Manage for high-quality visual landscapes along main recreation corridors and at significant features (see Visual Management section)
2.5 Identify existing recreational use near settlements (“near” is to be defined by the process itself and dependent on the type of recreational use being examined)
3. Subject to the availability of government resources, provide facilities and services to support a wide range of recreation and tourism opportunities;3.1 When considering applications under the Land Act and Forest Act, recognize the value of maintaining existing and potential public recreational access points to lakes and rivers in order to maintain options for long term expansion of water-based recreation, except where this adversely affects Species At Risk habitatsThe provision of facilities, services and overall management of recreation is subject to government resources (staff and funding) Prior to designations, interagency referrals will be used where appropriate to identify any potential resource tenure and use conflicts The maintenance of existing sites & trails may take precedence over additional infrastructure.
3.2 Encourage partnerships (between government, First Nations and recreation user groups) wherever possible in order to deliver recreation objectives
3.3 The management of recreational lakes, trails and other features noted in Table 1 below should be considered in addition to existing sites and trails
3.4 To retain recreational quality and experiences, apply appropriate designations (e.g., Land Act Reserve) and manage recreational use on public access points to lakes and rivers
4. Maintain or enhance identified backcountry areas to support a broad range of recreation and tourism opportunities4.1 Coordinate access-related recreation planning through the development of a Recreation Management StrategyThis objective is not intended to restrict the issuance of cutting permits. The intent is to maintain the broad range of recreational opportunities and experiences across the plan area
5. Undertake area-focused tourism/recreation planning to balance the interests of commercial tourism, public recreation groups and other stakeholders5.1 Encourage coordination among agencies to foster tourism business opportunities within the plan area
5.2 Involve First Nations in community economic development planning to identify opportunities and avoid potential conflicts (legal or otherwise) between users
5.3 Consult with First Nations for information on spiritual values and relative significance to First Nations culture
5.4 Public recreation groups, commercial tourism interests and other stakeholders should make efforts to work cooperatively in order to find mutually agreeable approaches to recreation use and management of activities
5.5 First Nations should be involved in planning public recreational use/activities and the identification of related potential economic development opportunities
6. Develop and implement a management plan for designated mining/tourism areas (see Tourism Opportunities map)Management plan for mining/tourism areas completed by 2005Management plan should be guided by the intent of the Mining / Tourism Memorandum of Understanding Encourage tourism development in mining/tourism areas
7. Maintain the aesthetic integrity of known physical features and key areas of special value to tourism operators7.1 Tourism operators will identify features and areas significant to their business in operating plans submitted to tenuring agenciesThe Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management, in cooperation with First Nations, Land and Water BC, Ministry of Forests, and other relevant agencies will be the keeper of information on special features
7.2 First Nations should identify special features and areas during resource planning and consultation so that these are recognized when new tourism developments are being considered by tenuring agencies
7.3 Information collected will be provided to appropriate resource management agencies and industrial operators